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What is the USCCA?

USCCA Firearm Instructor on shooting range with female pistol safety student

The United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) currently serves over 250,000 responsibly armed Americans with useful information, training and education.

We Educate, Train, Equip & Insure Responsibly Armed Americans.


USCCA instructors provide high quality training programs to a range of audiences. Our cirriculum is delivered nationally by select vetted trainers who share a committment of preserving the 2nd Amendment and educating the public.



Certified Defensive Firearm Instructor Benefits


  • Able to teach three distinct - defensive shooting and preparedness - classes with immediate access to a full toolkit of high-resolution posters, videos and presentation materials and student guidebooks 

  • Access to hundreds of educational articles for student use

  • Access to weekly training drills for continued instructor development

  • Able to advertise under the nationally accessible USCCA website

  • Able to reach USCCA members via USCCA Member Services referrals

  • Able to pursue additional instructional development opportunities

  • 46-54% discounts on course materials plus free shipping

  • 83% discount for a case Concealed Carry Magazine plus free shipping

  • Up to 50% reimbursement for training product sales to students.


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