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Pistol Permit Holder Freed. Gotta Know Your Gun Laws When You Travel!

GREAT NEWS for Philadelphia mom Shaneen Allen. Shortly after obtaining her gun permit she was arrested during a routine traffic stop after informing the officer of the presence of a gun. As a newly licensed gun owner she didn't realize NJ does not recognize out-of-state gun permits. This single mom was facing a three year felony. Fortunately common sense kicked in... and it wasn't with the original prosecuting attorney! Remember once you own a gun ignorance of the law is a legal defense. Details here

You need to know the law. If you travel Legal Heat offers a GREAT $.99 app available for IPhone and Android. This offers the latest gun laws, state-by-state. We'll do a more formal review in the near future.

Wanted to learn more about legal concealed carry? Contact us in our Derby, CT location.

Have a great Easter everyone!!

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